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Course Offerings

​​​​​​​​​BRC (Basic Rider Course)

The best place to start once you've made the decision to ride. Covers the basics of operating a motorcycle and safety-oriented mental strategies. Motorcycles are provided for your use. Successful completion of this course will waive both the written and skills test when obtaining your motorcycle endorsement, if taken after July 15th, 2023. Complete the course and then take all pertinent paperwork to the KYTC licensing branch to have a motorcycle endorsement added to your license. The course can take approximately 15-20 hours total, with at least 10 hours of range time, over 2 days typically. The remaining time is a combination of online and in person classroom instruction which varies depending on the format and the student. This classroom time reviews, among other things, the content of what is on the written test to obtain your motorcycle permit.

BRC2 (Basic Rider Course 2)

For riders who already have basic skills. Similar to the BRC except speeds are higher, and on your own motorcycle. You must have a motorcycle instructional permit or endorsement. The motorcycle must also be properly registered, licensed and insured. An excellent refresher course for practicing and renewing riding skills. Includes an informal classroom component for discussing safety concepts based on past riding experiences and current knowledge. This can be used for the skills waiver portion of your motorcycle endorsement after successful completion of a skills test at the end of the course.

3WBRC (Basic Rider Course 3 Wheel)

The best place to start once you've made the decision to ride a 3-wheel motorcycle, whether the two wheels are in the back or the front. The 3WBRC consists of approximately 16 hours of training to include a combination of classroom and on-cycle instruction, written and skill tests.  Successful completion of the 3WBRC will waive the skills test for licensing and may earn an insurance discount. You may bring your own 3-wheel motorcycle, or one may be provided. Contact the site directly to see if they have a 3-wheel motorcycle available for use. If bringing your own motorcycle, you must have a motorcycle instructional permit or endorsement. The motorcycle must also be properly registered, licensed and insured. If the site provides the motorcycle, then this course can be used to waive BOTH the written and skills test for courses taken after July 15th, 2023. When completing this course or taking the skills test with the State Police you will be limited to only a 3-wheel motorcycle. It will show up as a limitation on your license similar to one for say eyeglasses or night driving.

MSF Advanced Rider Course (ARC)

Advanced RiderCourse (ARC)–Skill Practice is a partial-day course consisting only of riding exercises. Range exercises will go deeper into crash-avoidance skills. Improving your braking and cornering finesse is emphasized. The course is beneficial for riders on any type of street motorcycle. You must bring your own properly registered, licensed and insured​ motorcycle. You must have a motorcycle instructional permit or endorsement. It is designed to be an effective and enjoyable event for participants who wis​h to improve their motorcycle handling skill level.​

​Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic (TCARC)

No matter what you ride - or where you ride - riding skills are more important than ever for safe, fun motorcycling. Unfortunately for experienced riders, there is a large gap between basic riding courses and the many racetrack schools around the country. Many riders are interested in improving their skills but are unwilling to take on the additional risks associated with a high-speed environment. If you fit into the "I'm interested, but..." group, you're not alone. In fact, if you add up all the attendees of all the race schools together, they only represent a tiny percentage of street riders. This is not to say they are not good schools. To the contrary, they have much to offer. But they are not for everyone. Fortunately, Lee Parks' Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic - Total Control Arc - has a solution for those experienced riders "caught in the middle", as well as those track-day junkies and racers who want to be able to further enhance their skills in a controlled environment with expert instruction.

DBS (Dirt Bike School)

Covers basic operating skills and principles for negotiating the varying terrain involved in off-highway riding. Motorcycles and helmets are provided for you use. Many street riders begin as dirt riders since the physical operating skills are similar, but the dirt environment is more forgiving than the street. This course is conducted entirely outdoors in an off-highway area. It is not a license waiver course.

Written and Skills Waiver Classes

The courses that will currently provide a waiver for your motorcycle endorsement per KRS 15A.352 include:

  • MSF - Basic Riding Course (BRC)
    • Waives both the written and skills tests for classes taken after July 15, 2023.
  • Basic Riding Course 2 (BRC2) with skills test passage.
    • Must have a motorcycle instructional permit first.
  • Three Wheel Basic Riding Course (3WBRC)
    • ​For sites that provide a motorcycle this willwaive the written and skills tests if taken after July 15, 2023.
    • For sites where you bring your own motorcycle, you must have at least a motorcycle instructional permit to participate.
  • KY will accept rider ed courses from all other states, provided that course is recognized by that state for the purpose of license waivers. Contact​ if you are unsure if the course is eligible. 


  • BRC - Get your full motorcycle endorsement without the wait.
  • Attain a skills waiver for motorcycle endorsement when taking the BRC, BRC2 or RRBRC.
  • Free for students under 18 (must have a guardian signature)
  • Insurance discounts (see your insurance agent for details)
  • Ride with confidence by learning from professionally-trained instructors.

What you need

For the BRC and some 3WBRC classes motorcycles are provided for your use. Students taking the BRC2, ARC, TCARC and some 3WBRC courses must bring their motorcycle, license, registration and proof of insurance. You should arrive at all classes with the following items:

  • Minors (under 18) will need a guardian's signature to participate.
  • 3/4 or Full Faced DOT-approved helmet (loaners may be available)
  • Protective eyewear
  • Jacket or long-sleeved shirt
  • Long pants with no holes, rips or tears
  • Sturdy over-the-ankle footwear (must cover the ankle bone)
  • Full-fingered gloves
  • Rain gear - optional (see local weather forecast)
  • A positive attitude and willingness to learn.

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